Carpet tile prices have traditionally been very high. They were mainly used for upscale commercial carpet installations such as, airports, office towers, and other high traffic areas. Typical carpet tile prices ranged $30 ($3.33 sf) per square yard and up.
American Carpet Wholesalers has found a way to offer these same carpet tiles at less than 50% of those prices. Most carpet manufacturers do not invest in carpet tile inventory because most of these upscale carpet tile installations are made to order. When these orders are made, there are usually overruns. We buy these carpet tile bargains at a fraction of their original cost. Although the carpet tiles are 1st quality material, they are now classified as promotional goods. What does that mean? It means you are giving up warranty for savings of 50%, 60% or more. but if these high quality commercial carpets will stand up to foot traffic in an airport, they will surely hold up in a small office, basement, or general residential use.
Easy Installation
A residual benefit is that carpet tiles are easily installed as you can see from these photographs. (I want to thank Kathryn of Portland again for allowing us to use her images.) With a few tools and patience, a handy do-it-yourselfer can transform any room into a gorgeous and modern looking room as Kathryn did.
We maintain carpet tile squares in quantities suitable for small projects or large projects greater than 15,000 square feet. All located in our “Carpet Tile Clearance Center’